In a recent Australian trial, Photon® treated peas and beans were healthier at harvest in comparison to those without the use of Photon. Photon showed to:
- Decrease crop stress
- Improve bean and pea color
- Increase uniform bean color
- Increase quality of both peas and beans
- Increase pea length
- Improve harvest timeline for peas – Photon treated peas were ready to harvest
7 to 1- days earlier than untreated control peas.
Use Directions
Apply Photon as directed during key growth stages (such as flowering, pod set, grain fill, etc.). Photon is a foliar spray, to be applied at 16 g/A or .6 oz/A.
Photon can be used on all crops at any time during the season. The product remains effective in the plant for several weeks to more than a month, after which it becomes inert. For best results, Photon should be used in a season long program to maintain protection against abiotic stress.